David Feherty Makes Sense For LIV Golf

He's always done things differently so he fits right in

LIV Broadcast Team

Saints Sports Network

The LIV Golf tour has its newest member. The broadcast team was bolstered by the addition of David Feherty a fantastic character in the golf world that has been with NBC for the last number of years.


Feherty has been a television golf analyst since the late 90s in various capacities but really showed his personality when he started his weekly talk show "Feherty" on Golf Channel. The show was extremely popular for the network, bringing in one guest for each show that Feherty would interview and interact with. His humor and quick wit made the show a hit, one of the very few that have ever been on Golf Channel and ran for 10 years before getting cancelled in 2021. The decision was curious because he really is a one of a kind personality that could bring in non-golfers because of the entertainment value and the network does not have anyone else able to do that.

Through his show, Feherty was able to inject fun and humor that is rarely seen when viewing anything surrounding golf. That served as a way for him to also have a more noticeable role in regular golf tournament coverage as an on course reporter who has always been able to turn a quick joke within the small windows of airtime surrounding golf shots. 

Making Waves

It can be argued that Feherty is first and foremost a comedian. He played golf professionally, winning a handful of tournaments and making a Ryder Cup team, but once he retired his true potential came forth.

As one would expect, comedians make waves with some of their jokes and Feherty is no different. Part of what makes him an entertaining character is his honest and matter of fact humor that can sometimes be taken poorly or make its way over a line or two for some people. A few of his comments have ruffled feathers but without a doubt he is an entertainer who does his job well.

He is one of the few that has tried to make golf a little bit more fun by adding humor to his remarks and it has worked out well for him. He has been met with pushback along the way but that is what happens to those who break the mold and want to do things differently.

The Fit

In talking about wanting to do things differently, one doesn't need to look any further in the golf world than LIV Golf. The series is taking the golf world by storm with a brand new approach that includes no cuts, guaranteed prize pots, team prize pools and the most money ever offered across their eight events (more on LIV Golf). They are turning professional golf on its head, signing some of the biggest names in golf and scaring the PGA Tour.

Now they have a new addition in Feherty that is truly a fantastic match. Feherty's instinct to go against the grain and change the way golf is presented fit perfectly with the vision that LIV Golf has in store. It doesn't look like they have announced contract details but pairing him alongside former NBC Premier League announcer Arlo White makes for a one two punch that will provide plenty of entertainment.

There's a lot of controversy surrounding LIV Golf and the way that they are being funded but whatever your thoughts, you have to admit that they are doing things differently and if you know anything about David Feherty, he will fit right in.

Mound Visit

Saints Sports Network is a Christian group that brings you interesting sports coverage. Our name comes from Ephesians 2:18-21 where it notes that all Christians are saints in God's eyes. Therefore we are saints who write about sports but also want to make sure to share the Gospel. That's where Mound Visit comes into play because we all need a visit to the mound from God in good times and bad to recenter our lives and trust in him. We'll do that by highlighting a Bible verse for you to think and pray about in each newsletter that you receive from us.

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)